I was on voat for 4 years, loved it. Was a shame when shills came along but like you say it was easy to spot them.
Only thing on here I have observed is that quite a bit of the time you have to click on the title to actually find out what the post is about.
On voat it was mostly obvious in the title what was in the post, that was helpful.
Still very glad there was a platform to come to, thanks greatawakening.win !!
I was on voat for 4 years, loved it. Was a shame when shills came along but like you say it was easy to spot them.
Only think on here I have observed is that quite a bit of the time you have to click on the title to actually find out what the post is about.
On voat it was mostly obvious in the title what was in the post, that was helpful.
Still very glad there was a platform to come to, thanks greatawakening.win !!