My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1. Then Q got a tripcode to make sure it was only him posting started signing his name as Q and the rest is history...
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
ETA: Don't forget also Q has said that some of his info is disinfo and it is necessary as it gets the enemy who also reads the drops to expend ammo and resources. They possibly have to act on/prepare for everything he drops just in case it is true.
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1. Then he got a tripcode to make sure it was only him posting and the rest is history...
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
ETA: Don't forget also Q has said that some of his info is disinfo and it is necessary as it gets the enemy who also reads the drops to expend ammo and resources. They possibly have to act on/prepare for everything he drops just in case it is true.
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1. Then he got a tripcode to make sure it was only him posting and the rest is history...
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
ETA: Don't forget also Q has said that some of his info is disinfo and it is necessary as it gets the enemy who also reads the drops to expend ammo. They possibly have to act on/prepare for everything just in case it is true.
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1.
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
ETA: Don't forget also Q has said that some of his info is disinfo and it is necessary as it gets the enemy who also reads the drops to expend ammo. They possibly have to act on/prepare for everything just in case it is true.
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1.
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1.
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up. But makes it very difficult to predict the WHEN imo.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date, that that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1.
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date, that that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)
My personal belief is that the very early drops were actually someone larping. At some point, the real Q team decided it would be a good idea to get info out to people by 'taking over' those drops, and that is why the tone noticeably changed and became more Socratic questioning and less cheesy. What could the original larper do? He would have just thought it was another larper until the posts started matching with Trump and showing unique images from AF1.
Could be wrong of course and it could have just been some other Q Team member who posted the early stuff before the primary poster we've come to know as Q started taking over with his noticeably different posting style.
Either way, the things that obviously didn't happen are probably happening in the future - hence 'Future Proves Past' ie future events will prove the past postings. Problem is there is supposedly a 2 year delta, but some things happened within a few weeks or months of posting (like Saudi stuff and North Korea, and of course the McCain (his was about a years delta I think) Others seem to be on a 3 or 4 year delta so should soon be coming up.
There was even an amazing Q Clock that someone created to try and correlate the posts with a future date, that that had some good hits, but frankly it's all too cryptic to pin dates down to specifics imo. And then Q mentioning Project Looking Glass as a question just added to the confusion. Have they really got that technology (word is the bad guys had it for the longest time and can see probabilities of the future so were able to plan events, so if the good guys now have it...)
Or people take note of certain timestamps and match them with the drop numbers of the past. Not sure there is deliberate codes going on there, but there could be. It reminds me of the I Ching where if you throw a set of coins and read the verse ascribed to the results (forget what it is called) it will give you a spookily accurate reading of what you are worrying about. So I take all the timestamp matching with past posts with a grain of salt, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I think only when it is all over will clarity set in and we will see what is meant by the 'future proves past'.
That's just my take and likely completely wrong. :)