We know this election goes beyond simply fraud, it has risen to the level of actual treason - this includes state officials in the battleground states that are actively working to cover up the fraud.
Speaking of covering up the fraud - did you know that trying to cover, failing to prosecute, or simply ignoring an act of treason is actually considered treason as well? The correct statue references "Misprisionment of Treason."
Treason is considered such a serious crime against the country, that complacency in it is Treason as well. Remember, Congressional Members can in fact be removed from Congress for treason. With the overwhelming evidence that is out there, those that choose to ignore it in Congress will actually be guilty of Misprisionment of Treason (18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason)
I have a feeling the swamp is in for a massive draining this coming week.
We know this election goes beyond simply fraud, it has risen to the level of actual treason - this includes state officials in the battleground states that are actively working to cover up the fraud.
Speaking of covering up the fraud - did you know that trying to cover, failing to prosecute, or simply ignoring an act of treason is actually considered treason as well? The correct statue references "Misprisonment of Treason."
Treason is considered such a serious crime against the country, that complacency in it is Treason as well. Remember, Congressional Members can in fact be removed from Congress for treason. With the overwhelming evidence that is out there, those that choose to ignore it in Congress will actually be guilty of Misprisonment of Treason.
I have a feeling the swamp is in for a massive draining this coming week.
We know this election goes beyond simply fraud, it has risen to the level of actual treason - this includes state officials in the battleground states that are actively working to cover up the fraud.
Speaking of covering up the fraud - did you know that trying to cover, failing to prosecute, or simply ignoring an act of treason is actually considered treason as well? The correct statue references "Misprisonment of Treason."
Treason is considered such a serious crime against the country, that complacency in it is Treason as well. Remember, Congressional Members can in fact be removed from Congress for treason. With the overwhelming evidence that is out their, those that choose to ignore it in Congress will actually be guilty of Misprisonment of Treason.
I have a feeling the swamp is in for a massive draining this coming week.