I think y’all are getting a little overly wrapped around the axle on this stuff.
IMO: The purpose of that requirement to “ first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse” is simply to provide notice to The People.
Insurgents, police, babies, grandmas, toddlers, terrorists & teens; doesn’t matter.
Much like the police are required to declare an unlawful assembly before they can take certain actions, requiring POTUS to “publish a proclamation” is literally merely the act of giving people notice and a chance to disperse.
Meaning they don’t want POTUS to just up & invoke the act and blindly, wildly send Marshalls / military into an unsuspecting crowd.
Gotta at least give them a chance to leave of their own accord.
That’s all this is, IMO.
Doesn’t matter who’s the insurgents, who’s the patriots, etc.
I think y’all are getting a little overly wrapped around the axle on this stuff.
IMO: The purpose of that requirement to “ first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse” is simply to provide notice to The People.
Insurgents, police, babies, grandmas, toddlers, terrorists & teens; doesn’t matter.
Much like the police are required to declare an unlawful assembly before they can take certain actions, requiring POTUS to “publish a proclamation” is literally merely the act of giving people notice and a chance to disperse.
Meaning they don’t want POTUS to just up & invoke the act and send Marshalls / military into an unsuspecting crowd.
Gotta at least give them a chance to leave of their own accord.
That’s all this is, IMO.
Doesn’t matter who’s the insurgents, who’s the patriots, etc.