You fuck off dude, I got downsized to this place cuz Voat went offline and IF (Big fucking IF) Shit wasn't happening I wouldn't fucking care or IF it was Voat I could ignore you on a subverse. Put it on your social media. Shit is happening right fucking now and it's a bitch to be here because between the hee hee hee's and the "Hi I'm from TD's... or really even before that... researching (which is what WE are supposed to be fucking doing) is fucking hard here.
Glad you went to DC... but the world still goes on and it ain't all about fucking you bro'.
You fuck off dude, I got downsized to this place cuz Voat went offline and IF (Big fucking IF) Shit wasn't happening I wouldn't fucking care or IF it was Voat I could ignore you on a subverse. Put it on your social media. Shit is happening right fucking now and it's a bitch to be here because between the hee hee hee's and the "Hi I'm from TD's... or really even before that... researching (which is what WE are supposed to be fucking doing) is fucking hard here.
Glad you went to DC... but the world still goas on and it ain't all about fucking you bro'.