One possible source. In WW1 the US marine attacked the germans so ferociously and against such withering defensive fire only to overwhelm with sheer grit, they were dubbed the "Hound of Hell" or "Devil Dogs." The battle is completely well documented as was the response of naming Marines Devil Dogs.
Its being revised by globalist cunts because the idea of heroic national soldiers doing inspiring things is counter to their pathetic ideals that all nations and militaries are evil, and that somehow a fascist banker cabal is the solution to the fake-history they revise as they see fit.
And a fun song about the very topic.
Also very honorable mention from the East is the "Attack of the Dead Men."
There roughly 100 heavily chlorine gassed and dying Russian soldiers, literally coughing up their melted lungs, charged 14 Divisions of Germans and repelled them before falling down dead from the gas. Legend has it the Germans were so absolutely sure the gas had killed or incapacitated every Russian in agonizing suffering, they legit believed the Russians had risen from the dead as vengeful spirits to kill them, and fled in such disorganized terror they killed hundreds of their own. Their sacrifice permitted all the remaining, less wounded Russian Soldiers to retreat from the besieged fortress, destroying it in the process out of pure spite.
Which ALSO has a song.
IMO Americans and Russians should be allies. Its why the Globalists fear Trump playing nice with Putin, NOTHING, not even hell itsself could ever stop an American-Russian alliance.
One possible source. In WW1 the US marine attacked the germans so ferociously and against such withering defensive fire only to overwhelm with sheer grit, they were dubbed the "Hound of Hell" or "Devil Dogs."
And a fun song about the very topic.
Also very honorable mention from the East is the "Attack of the Dead Men."
There roughly 100 heavily chlorine gassed and dying Russian soldiers, literally coughing up their melted lungs, charged 14 Divisions of Germans and repelled them before falling down dead from the gas. Legend has it the Germans were so absolutely sure the gas had killed or incapacitated every Russian in agonizing suffering, they legit believed the Russians had risen from the dead as vengeful spirits to kill them, and fled in such disorganized terror they killed hundreds of their own. Their sacrifice permitted all the remaining, less wounded Russian Soldiers to retreat from the besieged fortress, destroying it in the process out of pure spite.
Which ALSO has a song.
IMO Americans and Russians should be allies. Its why the Globalists fear Trump playing nice with Putin, NOTHING, not even hell itsself could ever stop an American-Russian alliance.
One possible source.
And a fun song about the very topic.
Also very honorable mention from the East is the "Attack of the Dead Men."
Which ALSO has a song.
IMO Americans and Russians should be allies. Its why the Globalists fear Trump playing nice with Putin, NOTHING, not even hell itsself could ever stop an American-Russian alliance.
One possible source.
And a fun song about the very topic.
Also very honorable mention is the "Attack of the Dead Men."
Which ALSO has a song.