I believe Alex Jones is controlled opposition only BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED HIM TO BE!
Right now all pro-Trump media outlets are controlled opposition to confuse the enemy.
Steve Bannon, Infowars, TheDonald.
Why do you think TheDonald is so anti-Q? Are they "mossad-backed" or do you think the plan was to conceal Q and delegitimatize it since that would be the number one source of information for the enemy?
I believe Alex Jones is controlled opposition only BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED HIM TO BE!
Right now all pro-Trump media outlets are controlled opposition to confuse the enemy.
Steve Bannon, Infowars, TheDonald.
Why do you think TheDonald is so anti-Q? Are they "mossad-backed" or do you think the plan was to conceal Q since that would be the number one source of information for the enemy?
I believe Alex Jones is controlled opposition BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED HIM TO BE!
Right now all pro-Trump media outlets are controlled opposition to confuse the enemy.
Steve Bannon, Infowars, TheDonald.
Why do you think TheDonald is so anti-Q? Are they "mossad-backed" or do you think the plan was to conceal Q since that would be the number one source of information for the enemy?
I believe Trump is controlled opposition BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED HIM TO BE!
Right now all pro-Trump media outlets are controlled opposition to confuse the enemy.
Steve Bannon, Infowars, TheDonald.
Why do you think TheDonald is so anti-Q? Are they "mossad-backed" or do you think the plan was to conceal Q since that would be the number one source of information for the enemy?
I believe Trump is controlled opposition BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED HIM TO BE!
Right now all pro-Trump media outlets are controlled opposition to confuse the enemy.
Steve Bannon, Infowars, TheDonald.