Celebration of small wins helps build psychic energy for larger ones? Good people like to see evil people go bye bye? If you kill off the individuals in a bloodline, does the bloodline survive?
DRAIN their bloodline! (In legal executions following trial and conviction, of course.)
French national anthem (I know, French Revolution was by socialists but anyway) concerning the royals: "To arms, citizens!/ Form your battalions/ Let us march, that our fields may flood/ With their impure blood!"
(Disclaimer: Just quoting La Marseillaise, not advocating that we take up arms, form battalions, and flood our land with impure deepstate blood. Specifically NOT saying to do that. Stay home, let the operation play out. Disclaim disclaim disclaim.)
Celebration of small wins helps build psychic energy for larger ones? Good people like to see evil people go bye bye? If you kill off the individuals in a bloodline, does the bloodline survive?
Spill their bloodline! (In legal executions following trial and conviction, of course.)