A rabbit hole for anyone wishing to dig further. I took the .pdf file of this report straight from the whitehouse.gov link earlier today, and decided to pull it into Notepad++, just to see what interesting things there might be in the meta-data. Here's what I found in a block near the end:
<rdf:li>Campana, Ariella M. EOP/WHO</rdf:li>
(sorry for the bad formatting, this comment system really loves XML, doesn't it?)
So I did some googling, and found this: https://www.ariella-campana-lmp.com/resume
A girl who just got a degree a little under 2 years ago, and was a yoga instructor at that time is now "EOP/WHO" ("Executive Office of the President/White House Office")
Could be worth looking into...
A rabbit hole for anyone wishing to dig further. I took the .pdf file of this report straight from the whitehouse.gov link earlier today, and decided to pull it into Notepad++, just to see what interesting things there might be in the meta-data. Here's what I found in a block near the end: dc:creator rdf:Seq rdf:liCampana, Ariella M. EOP/WHO</rdf:li> </rdf:Seq> </dc:creator>
(sorry for the bad formatting, it's a straight paste of the XML)
So I did some googling, and found this: https://www.ariella-campana-lmp.com/resume
So a girl who just got a degree a little under 2 years ago, and was a yoga instructor at that time is now "EOP/WHO" ("Executive Office of the President/White House Office")
Could be worth looking into...