I was in the military for 12 years so believe me when I tell you there where 100 power hungry assholes for every 1 nice guy patriot. 90% of them are cops or study criminal justice and the high ranking ones are politicians who only care about themselves.
Most of the no rank storm troopers like me where there because we had no direction in life, no place in society and we loved our country and wanted to be part of something greater. That feeling slowly fades away as you get threated like shit over the years and find out youre just a number. We sold our freedom for a steady pay check.
Most of the military are not patriots we're there because following orders is easier than living a meaningless life or because people crave money or power.
When the time we need them to protect us came they didnt answer.
I was in the military for 12 years so believe me when I tell you there where 100 power hungry assholes for every 1 nice guy patriot. 90% of them are cops or study criminal justice and the high ranking ones are politicians who only care about themselves.
Most of the no rank storm troopers like me where there because we had no direction in life, no place in society and we loved our country and wanted to be part of something greater. That feeling slowly fades away as you get threated like shit over the years and find out youre just a number.
Most of the military are not patriots we're there because following orders is easier than living a meaningless life or because people crave money or power.
When the time we need them to protect us came they didnt answer.