Yup. It's impossible to have a conversation when the other side labels their opponents knowledge as "hatred" with the ill intent to shut down the discussion. To divert the attention to their attacker, rather than the subject being discussed. This tactic is used time and time again and has gotten boring at this point.
Edit: this is one of my favorite redpills
Starts out as a review of a kids show but ends up being commentary on:
- The child grooming intent of said modern kids show, out of the creator's(Rebecca "Sugar") own mouth. And if you think this is the only one doing this you are out of your mind.
2)The John Money experiment thay started this whole "gender" thing
You can skip through the first half if you want to get right to the meat. Consider this video NSFW, as E;R has zero problems with being offensive.
Yup. It's impossible to have a conversation when the other side labels their opponents knowledge as "hatred" with the ill intent to shut down the discussion. To divert the attention to their attacker, rather than the subject being discussed. This tactic is used time and time again and has gotten boring at this point.