This realm is a "school", the headmaster does not protect each child like a gestapo guard in uniform. That is how we as God's children "learn" our lessons. If God started interfering in man's everyday affairs, people will attach the Nazi label to His name. Human eyes can less less than 2% of the visible light, yet we center our reality within that 2% and forget that in the grand scheme of things, we are literally insignificant, a mere spec of dust on the gigantic plane of the universe. Furthermore, nature and the divine are a dictatorship with natural laws. That is why TPTB want to box us into these small spaces and the choice is ours, love over hate and freedom over slavery to these morons in "high places" of human power structures. Bill Hicks comes to mind instantly.
This realm is a "school", the headmaster does not protect each child like a gestapo guard in uniform. That is how we as God's children "learn" our lessons. If God started interfering in man's everyday affairs, people will attach the Nazi label to His name.
Human eyes can less less than 2% of the visible light, yet we center our reality within that 2% and forget that in the grand scheme of things, we are literally insignificant, a mere spec of dut on the gigantic plane of the universe.
Furthermore, nature and the divine are a dictatorship with natural laws. That is why TPTB want to box us into these small spaces and the choice is ours, love over hate and freedom over slavery to these morons in "high places" of human power structures. Bill Hicks comes to mind instantly.