My take is that Operation Trust seemed to target generals and actual members of the military etc. Where as Q's goal seems to be waking up your average, every day American to what is actually going on in their country, but also discourages violence and rioting in the streets. If Q was a psyop and their goal was to mislead and pacify patriots -- I honestly don't think the cabal could have made it seem so organic. The tone of the drops would be different. They would be trying to divide us instead of uniting us. That's what the shills try to do but they really do not understand how completely ineffective they are. This is how you know they've already lost.
My take is that Operation Trust seemed to target generals and actual members of the military etc. Where as Q's goal seems to be waking up your average, every day American to what is actually going on in their country, but also encourages against violence and rioting in the streets.
If Q was a psyop and their goal was to mislead and pacify patriots -- I honestly don't think the cabal could have made it seem so organic. The tone of the drops would be different. They would be trying to divide us instead of uniting us. That's what the shills try to do but they really do not understand how completely ineffective they are. This is how you know they've already lost.