it was obviously filmed over 2 days without a professional continuity consultant or wardrobe director.... and of course the cast are not pros either....
the two girls in pink reappear and disappear.... the girl behind them with mousey hair has a floral mask then a black one......
its two days...... they filmed the rehersal and maybe actually they filmed the two rehersals and then the 20th never happened.... cancelling the rehersals was a tactic to throw off protesters....
it also explains the tense low energy vibe as it was just a rehersal... only kammeltoe put in a half decent performance....
doesnt really mean anything in and of itself.... just rather dystopian and wierd.....
but doesnt mean biden is not president or anything is gonna stop this farce....
the castle rock of Q could be a kinda joke tip that the inaug would be a farce..... still doesnt give us much for next week......
there is a marked tendency under the circumstances to jump to conclusions..... keep it simple stoopid...
did they film 2 rehersals and splice it up and say hey... we got enough here... lets just air that on the day.... or did Q and co. build an underground set on the moon and have Elon fly evryone there and film it and keep them in the secret luna moon prison....
it was obviously filmed over 2 days without a professional continuity consultant or wardrobe director.... and of course the cast are not pros either....
the two girls in pink reappear and disappear.... the girl behind them with mousey hair has a floral mask then a black one......
its two days...... they filmed the rehersal and maybe actually they filmed the two rehersals and then the 20th never happened.... cancelling the rehersals was a tactic to throw off protesters....
it also explains the tense low energy vibe as it was just a rehersal... only kammeltoe put in a half decent performance....
doesnt really mean anything in and of itself.... just rather dystopian and wierd.....
but doesnt mean biden is not president or anything is gonna stop this farce....
the castle rock of Q could be a kinda joke tip that the inaug would be a farce..... still doesnt give us much fir next week......