The last sentence is key. "Would China own and control the White House?". I think Q is using the socratic method to encourage us to dig deeper and consider that there is perhaps a legal framework in place to address this very scenario. Autists may have found the answer with 11.3 like you suggested.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone within the Q inner circle actually asked this question during a brainstorming session one day.
Another interesting question: why does Q say "White House" and not "United States of America"? Wording is important.
The last sentence is key. "Would China own and control the White House?". I think Q is using the socratic method to encourage us to dig deeper and consider that there is perhaps a legal framework in place to address this very scenario. Autists may have found the answer with 11.3 like you suggested.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone within the Q inner circle actually asked this question during a brainstorming session one day.