On the off-chance you are genuinely a lost & confused normie, & for any other lurkers here:
This is first & foremost a research board, so things are taken more seriously & a certain level of quality logic is required (TD has gone downhill lately with the influx of first time normies & LOTS of shills, something we are also combatting here). Low-level content, drama, & general fuckery washes out the whole board, so it gets weeded out quick. Mods have less tolerance lately with the overflow of shills & not enough mods. The general expectation is for people to use their brains more & their feels less. To push people in terms of their mental faculties & expect them to grow as a result. This is not TD where the content is more lax, rallying & dickswinging is the main, & the fun fuckery is part of the appeal.
Also note thay this place is nowhere near as tough & cutthroat as the ones on 8kun. We are the "softies." This is Physics 101.
Most here understand people make mistakes, but if you refuse to break your emotional loop or circular logic, refuse to explain logically why you hold a position that can be seen as shilling (assuming the site is hacked without looking into & explaining how that could be counts), or just keep spamming your opinion over & over to assert your dominance, you will be BTFO by the mods at some point (likely sooner than later).
Being BTFO is never comfortable, but the ability to take it on with consideration & self-reflection as opposed to immediate defensive complaining is what separates the adults from the teenagers. God knows the world is already full of middle-aged children.
That's not to say folks here don't like to have fun from time to time. But when your comment history trends toward low-quality fuckery & shillery, you walk over thin ice...
If your ego can't take getting BTFO & you prefer being stuck in HS psychologically & informatively, go back to the TD level memery or Chinese psyop department from whence you came. Come back when you figure out where you went wrong, realize this is a Pro-Q research board with rules & certain expectations (for the love of God, read the rules, people), & realize the process of finding truth is more important than your ego & feefees. Then you'll have a grand time.
But based on looks of your comment history, you're not grown-up enough yet.
On the off-chance you are genuinely a lost & confused normie, & for any other lurkers here:
This is first & foremost a research board, so things are taken more seriously & a certain level of quality logic is required (TD has gone downhill lately with the influx of first time normies & LOTS of shills, something we are also combatting here). Low-level content, drama, & general fuckery washes out the whole board, so it gets weeded out quick. Mods have less tolerance lately with the overflow of shills & not enough mods. The general expectation is for people to use their brains more & their feels less. To push people in terms of their mental faculties & expect them to grow as a result. This is not TD where the content is more lax, rallying & dickswinging is the main, & the fun fuckery is part of the appeal.
Also note thay this place is nowhere near as tough & cutthroat as the ones on 8kun. We are the "softies." We are Physics 101.
Most here understand people make mistakes, but if you refuse to break your emotional loop or circular logic, refuse to explain logically why you hold a position that can be seen as shilling (assuming the site is hacked without looking into & explaining how that could be counts), or just keep spamming your opinion over & over to assert your dominance, you will be BTFO by the mods at some point (likely sooner than later).
Being BTFO is never comfortable, but the ability to take it on with consideration & self-reflection as opposed to immediate defensive complaining is what separates the adults from the teenagers. God knows the world is already full of middle-aged children.
That's not to say folks here don't like to have fun from time to time. But when your comment history trends toward low-quality fuckery & shillery, you walk over thin ice...
If your ego can't take getting BTFO & you prefer being stuck in HS psychologically & informatively, go back to the TD level memery or Chinese psyop department from whence you came. Come back when you figure out where you went wrong, realize this is a Pro-Q research board with rules & certain expectations (for the love of God, read the rules, people), & realize the process of finding truth is more important than your ego & feefees. Then you'll have a grand time.
But based on looks of your comment history, you're not grown-up enough yet.