Thanks, but, I'm not seeing a clock in the pic? Adjusted the brightness and contrast, and scaled it to 5552 across, and it came out to 3791 vertical, not 3422. So that's interesting, at least. -- might be a little grainy, saved it from gimp as a jpg at 30% quality to get it under a meg
Thanks, but, is that the url you meant there? I just looked at this, and I don't see a clock in the pic? Adjusted the brightness and contrast, and scaled it to 5552 across, and it came out to 3791 vertical. So that's interesting, at least. -- might be a little grainy, saved it from gimp as a jpg at 30% quality to get it under a meg
Thanks, but, is that a different url there? I just looked at this, and I don't see a clock in the pic? Adjusted the brightness and contrast, and scaled it to 5552 across, and it came out to 3791 vertical. So that's interesting, at least. -- might be a little grainy, saved it from gimp as a jpg at 30% quality to get it under a meg
Thanks, but did you get the right url there? I just looked at this, and I don't see a clock in the pic? Adjusted the brightness and contrast, and scaled it to 5552 across, and it came out to 3791 vertical. So that's interesting, at least. -- might be a little grainy, saved it from gimp as a jpg at 30% quality to get it under a meg