Completely believable. I operate an excavator for my local water utility and they are constantly running new fiber optic lines via directional drilling machines, sometimes right on top of our old and fragile water utility. Legally, I can't put a tooth in the ground until everything is located but, many times the lines are unknown to the locators and one gets hit. I haven't hit one, yet, but, I've had to dig around them a few times.
Completely believable. I operate an excavator for my local water utility and they are constantly running new fiber optic lines via directional drilling machines, sometimes right on top of our old and fragile water utility. I've had to dig around them many times. Legally, I can't put a tooth in the ground until everything is located but, many times the lines are unknown to the locators and one gets hit. I haven't hit one, yet, but, I've had to dig around them a few times.