Pizza gate and Jeffery Epstein was a conspiracy theory 2 years ago. Now they are very desperate still to discredit pizza gate. I think they know something is coming and they are trying as hard as they can to. Discredit and slander the only group that might have any idea what is going on when Shtf
Conspiracy theories are something invented in the first place by the Cia around the time mockingbird went into place. They want to paint Q as an insane cult when in reality the movement is about observation and research. They don't like people knowing about what they do..
Pizza gate and Jeffery Epstein was a conspiracy theory 2 years ago. Now they are very desperate still to discredit pizza gate. I think they know something is coming and they are trying as hard as they can to. Discredit and slander the only group that might have any idea what is going on when Shtf