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Hi, I am a South African Afrikaner boer and i'd like to shed some light on the situation in South Africa. Buckle up. Yes, The farm murders are 110% real and even more brutal than reported. But it's a psyop, the racial connotation attached to it is being used as a divisive tool and as cover for what they're really up to. This is how but first understand that this is about private land ownership. 42% of SA's land surface already belongs to the ANC Government. Just under two percent of what's left (not 2% from 58%) is agriculture and live stock farming. Mostly Private but with a lot of corporate interests. 64% of this 2% is owned by white Afrikaner boere. This was just to give perspective. Radical groups like the EFF(Economic Freedom Fighters), BLF(Black Land First) and MK (uMkhonto we Sizwe) [Equivalent to and armed Antifa/BLM militant group] These guys are secretly being given the green light by the ANC [Equivalent to Democrat Deep State (DA political party being the rhinos in this analogy)] light to terrorize private farm owners of Any Race. Zulu's, Xhosa's, South African Indians it doesn't matter because it's the land that they want to devalue. Classic installation of C___nism... Race is being injected into it because the farm murders are excessively more brutal to white Afrikaner boere. (black Afrikaner boere do exist) thanks to the radical and very racist eff (look up how Julius Malema recruited convicts from prisons to target white farmers specifically) The white community is shown the "censorship" of the brutal discrimination whilst the black community is propagandized to about the farmer's 'white monopoly capitol" (64% of the 2% of the 58%) Several birds, one shot. Off topic yet related. Mandela and Obama both received their NPP's within days of being elected for no reason what so ever. Some would say that Nelson united a notion... Wrong. the nation was already uniting without him. Apartheid ended two years before the ANC assumed power in a political void. MSM forgot that Mandela "Necklaced" tens of thousands of black South Africans in the 70' and 80's Also, freemasonry has been is SA since the arrival of Jan van Riebeek in 1642 (Dutch East India Company, Dutch settlers) through British colonialism (Queen Victoria) who enforced segregation and also gave us the first ever "Holocaust style" Concentration camps for Afrikaners specifically (think Monarchy owned Irish slaves but far before Hitlers nazi's dreamed about it) There was no handover of power after SA was given independence In 1975, Apartheid inherited the leaders and segregation. Only white South Africans were given voting rights and in 1992 they used it in a Referendum vote ending the corrupt Apartheid regime and to give all South Africans Equal voting rights. Mandela was a knight in the order of Saint, something... knights of malta. Instead of being executed for his treason and terrorism he was indoctrinated into the order to become the next leader, like Bush, Clinton, Obama, Hilary and now Biden, Kamala and Micheal/Micahel (how's it spelt? sorry i'm south african) I hope i blew some of ya'all's minds with this..?

4 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Hi, I am a South African Afrikaner boer and i'd like to shed some light on the situation in South Africa. Buckle up. Yes, The farm murders are 110% real and even more brutal than reported. But it's a psyop, the racial connotation attached to it is being used as a divisive tool and as cover for what they're really up to. This is how but first understand that this is about private land ownership. 42% of SA's land surface already belongs to the ANC Government. Just under two percent of what's left (not 2% from 58%) is agriculture and live stock farming. Mostly Private but with a lot of corporate interests. 64% of this 2% is owned by white Afrikaner boere. This was just to give perspective. Radical groups like the EFF(Economic Freedom Fighters), BLF(Black Land First) and MK (uMkhonto we Sizwe) [Equivalent to and armed Antifa/BLM militant group] These guys are secretly being given the green light by the ANC [Equivalent to Democrat Deep State (DA political party being the rhinos in this analogy)] light to terrorize private farm owners of Any Race. Zulu's, Xhosa's, South African Indians it doesn't matter because it's the land that they want to devalue. Classic installation of C___nism... Race is being injected into it because the farm murders are excessively more brutal to white Afrikaner boere. (black Afrikaner boere do exist) thanks to the radical and very racist eff (look up how Julius Malema recruited convicts from prisons to target white farmers specifically) The white community is shown the "censorship" of the brutal discrimination whilst the black community is propagandized to about the farmer's 'white monopoly capitol" (64% of the 2% of the 58%) Several birds, one shot. Off topic yet related. Mandela and Obama both received their NPP's within days of being elected for no reason what so ever. Some would say that Nelson united a notion... Wrong. the nation was already uniting without him. Apartheid ended two years before the ANC assumed power in a political void. MSM forgot that Mandela "Necklaced" tens of thousands of black South Africans in the 70' and 80's Also, freemasonry has been is SA since the arrival of Jan van Riebeek in 1642 (Dutch East India Company, Dutch settlers) through British colonialism (Queen Victoria) who enforced segregation and also gave us the first ever "Holocaust style" Concentration camps for Afrikaners specifically (think Monarchy owned Irish slaves but far before Hitlers nazi's dreamed about it) There was no handover of power after SA was given independence In 1975, Apartheid inherited the leaders and segregation. Only white South Africans were given voting rights and in 1992 they used it in a Referendum vote ending the corrupt Apartheid regime and to give all South Africans Equal voting rights. Mandela was a knight in the order of Saint, something... knights of malta. Instead of being executed for his treason and terrorism he was indoctrinated into the order to become the next leader, like Obama. I hope i blew some of ya'all's minds with this..?

4 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Hi, I am a South African Afrikaner boer and i'd like to shed some light on the situation in South Africa. Buckle up. Yes, The farm murders are 110% real and even more brutal than reported. But it's a psyop, the racial connotation attached to it is being used as a divisive tool and as cover for what they're really up to. This is how but first understand that this is about private land ownership. 42% of SA's land surface already belongs to the ANC Government. Just under two percent of what's left (not 2% from 58%) is agriculture and live stock farming. Mostly Private but with a lot of corporate interests. 64% of this 2% is owned by white Afrikaner boere. This was just to give perspective. Radical groups like the EFF(Economic Freedom Fighters), BLF(Black Land First) and MK (uMkhonto we Sizwe) [Equivalent to and armed Antifa/BLM militant group] These guys are secretly being given the green light by the ANC [Equivalent to Democrat Deep State (DA political party being the rhinos in this analogy)] light to terrorize private farm owners of Any Race. Zulu's, Xhosa's, South African Indians it doesn't matter because it's the land that they want to devalue. Classic installation of C___nism... Race is being injected into it because the farm murders are excessively more brutal to white Afrikaner boere. (black Afrikaner boere do exist) thanks to the radical and very racist eff (look up how Julius Malema recruited convicts from prisons to target white farmers specifically) The white community is shown the "censorship" of the brutal discrimination whilst the black community is propagandized to about the farmer's 'white monopoly capitol" (64% of the 2% of the 58%) Several birds, one shot. Off topic yet related. Mandela and Obama both received their NPP's within days of being elected for no reason what so ever. Some would say that Nelson united a notion... Wrong. the nation was already uniting without him. Apartheid ended two years before the ANC assumed power in a political void. MSM forgot that Mandela "Necklaced" tens of thousands of black South Africans in the 70' and 80's Also, freemasonry has been is SA since the arrival of Jan van Riebeek in 1642 (Dutch East India Company)

4 years ago
1 score