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With the disinformation going around, that's a loaded question.

For example, I trust Trump 100% but I know 50% of what he says has a double meaning or is intentionally throwing off the enemy. I trust him to say what needs to be said, but not in what he actually says.

I trust Pompeo the most when it comes to 100% trust versus the low degree of misinformation. He seems to be a pivotal anchor for the team to get out what is actually happening. When he does say something out of character, it stands out like a sore thumb, like him condemning the Myanmar Military takeover. It is so out of character, it probably is a sign of some sort.

Gen. Flynn is a pretty trustworthy guy too, but I think he is intentionally obfuscated on reach so you don't really know for sure if it is him saying what he is saying.

Mike Lindell is a good time. He has a lot of hopium and I think he is gonna be a temporary/permanent senator when all is said and done. I trust him for as much as he is allowed to know and his relationship with Gen. Flynn.

Simon Parkes, similarly, has my trust at about 80% but I also think 75% of what he says, which I think he fully believes as it comes from credible sources, is intentionally false intel that comes up short of true. He was chosen as a marker for when the bad guys finally start shutting down the super-deep conspiracy nuts. If for a decade you see a guy go on about aliens on the street corner, not harming anyone, suddenly get thrown into the back of an unmarked van by some Agent Smith looking mofos, then it tells you that at least some of what he said is true and that they are desperate enough to risk the poor optics just to take him out. Charlie Ward I trust only by extension to Simon Parkes.

Then comes Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani, probably in that order.

Rudy doesn't have the whole picture. If he did, he would likely spill the beans on accident. He was given a job and did it the best he could from what I can tell.

Lin Wood's red pill went down sideways and now he has eyes lining his brain, Bloodborne style. He hasn't taken the attacks and disassociation with his family well, but he means what he says.

Sydney, you have to trust. She is likely the only one who can stick it to these douchebags in a military court. She has been quiet lately, and I think it is because she is hard at work drafting over 200,000 cases all at once.

Finally, comes Patrick Byrne, who I don't trust at all. I think he is a deepstate agent that was sent to make sure Trump was getting bad advice from his also deepstate Whitehouse staff. He was given enough election info to get in with Trump, but not enough to be let in on the real important meetings with Trump.

4 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

With the disinformation going around, that's a loaded question.

For example, I trust Trump 100% but I know 50% of what he says has a double meaning or is intentionally throwing off the enemy. I trust him to say what needs to be said, but not in what he actually says.

I trust Pompeo the most when it comes to 100% trust versus the low degree of misinformation. He seems to be a pivotal anchor for the team to get out what is actually happening. When he does say something out of character, it stands out like a sore thumb, like him condemning the Myanmar Military takeover. It is so out of character, it probably is a sign of some sort.

Gen. Flynn is a pretty trustworthy guy too, but I think he is intentionally obfuscated on reach so you don't really know for sure if it is him saying what he is saying.

Mike Lindell is a good time. He has a lot of hopium and I think he is gonna be a temporary/permanent senator when all is said and done. I trust him for as much as he is allowed to know and his relationship with Gen. Flynn.

Simon Parkes, as similarly, has my trust at about 80% but I also think 75% of what he says, which I think he fully believes as it comes from credible sources, is intentionally false intel that comes up short of true. He was chosen as a marker for when the bad guys finally start shutting down the super-deep conspiracy nuts. If for a decade you see a guy go on about aliens on the street corner, not harming anyone, suddenly get thrown into the back of an unmarked van by some Agent Smith looking mofos, then it tells you that at least some of what he said is true and that they are desperate enough to risk the poor optics just to take him out. Charlie Ward I trust only by extension to Simon Parkes.

Then comes Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani, probably in that order.

Rudy doesn't have the whole picture. If he did, he would likely spill the beans on accident. He was given a job and did it the best he could from what I can tell.

Lin Wood's red pill went down sideways and now he has eyes lining his brain, Bloodborne style. He hasn't taken the attacks and disassociation with his family well, but he means what he says.

Sydney, you have to trust. She is likely the only one who can stick it to these douchebags in a military court. She has been quite lately, and I think it is because she is hard at work drafting over 200,000 cases all at once.

Finally, comes Patrick Byrne, who I don't trust at all. I think he is a deepstate agent that was sent to make sure Trump was getting bad advice from his also deepstate Whitehouse staff. He was given enough election info to get in with Trump, but not enough to be let in on the real important meetings with Trump.

4 years ago
1 score