I appreciate your situation, we're all feeling the impact of these challenging times. Hang in there friend.
As for your last paragraph, to deny good here where evil prospers over there does not make sense. To embrace evil here if evil over there does not get vanquished, also does not make sense. You are not responsible for the entire world, you are responsible for your decisions and your actions or inaction. Do good where you can, and pray for those who are beyond your reach. Hang in there and be in a position where you can help others and not need help yourself. Giving up not only hurts yourself but denies any sort of help to those you are deeply concerned about. That is a lose decision and you are made to win. Win at life, Win at your quality relationships with God and others, and one day you will be in a position to help others. Perhaps even today. Step one is giving your life to Jesus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-P7KBaCYlg
I appreciate your situation, we're all feeling the impact of these challenging times. Hang in there friend.
As for your last paragraph, to deny good here where evil prospers over there does not make sense. To embrace evil here if evil over there does not get vanquished, also does not make sense. You are not responsible for the entire world, you are responsible for your decisions and your actions or inaction. Do good where you can, and pray for those who are beyond your reach. Hang in there and be in a position where you can help others and not need help yourself. Giving up not only hurts yourself but denies any sort of help to those you are deeply concerned about. That is a lose decision and you are made to win. Win at life, Win at your relationship, and one day you will be in a position to help others. Perhaps even today.