It's one word, stop being so dramatic lol
It's not just "one word".
You banned me for 3 days for "implied racism" and I never used the "N" word, only because I claimed one specific African nation wasn't an oasis because the official average IQ of it's population was 70, meaning half it's population legally qualify as retarded.
If this power trip continues without the push-back from patriots, soon we won't be able to quote official crime statics or Californian literacy rates or welfare consumption or STD rates if it reflects negatively on black people.
You are wrong to punish patriots because there are horrific problems in the world and reality is not politically correct.
Soon your new edict will be: "IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE THEN... BAN-HAMMER!".
It's not just "one word".
You banned me for 3 days for "implied racism" and I never used the "N" word, only because I claimed one specific African nation wasn't an oasis because the official average IQ of it's population was 70, meaning half it's population legally qualify as retarded.