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Reason: None provided.

I said I ended with you,but ok...

what he ("Francis"/Bergolio ?) preaches

What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".

It is obvious than in Vatican we have satanist and homosexual lobby of bishops,case of "Panachama" is obvious example of this cancer in Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.I would even say that bishops who seemed still to be righteous did not enough fearing they could be called schismatic.

And going even deeper - technically I think even that Ortodoxia (Eastern Ortodox Catholic Church whose so called "superior" is in Constantinopole) was and is right in many things more than Roman church with its Pope.

There are many steps to the truth and we are all so blind.It is not so easy...

The thing is Church of god is under continous siege of Satan. There isn't "one and completely proper doctrine" today probably. Jesus promised his Church at the end will prevail over forces of hell,but did he ever promised it will be "intact" or said it would demand martyrdom of many his believers ? Aren't his teachings hard ?

And our quarrel here is unnecessary,might be even harmful for Q movement.Because Q is mostly about our world not the theology. Not the religious doctrine being about God's kingdom not being material,but about our material world. The thing is of course there are people guided by God and being tools in his hands. Like Roman emperors from Constantine were really for Christianity - you call this "evil" (why - because of proseliting jews ? Are you a Jew ? All religions were or are proseliting even Jewish one !), I call this God's plan and will.Plan which caused there is more than billion (in US convention: so thousand million) Christians - Ortodox,Roman Catholic and Protestant on the globe - and maybe will be still more. I hope Q is meant to break or expose those serving satan and being against the God.To save us or at least our souls if not our material bodies.

4 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I said I ended with you,but ok...

what he ("Francis"/Bergolio ?) preaches

What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".

It is obvious than in Vatican we have satanist and homosexual lobby of bishops,case of "Panachama" is obvious example of this cancer in Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.I would even say that bishops who seemed still to be righteous did not enough fearing they could be called schismatic.

And going even deeper - technically I think even that Ortodoxia (Eastern Ortodox Catholic Church whose so called "superior" is in Constantinopole) was and is right in many things more than Roman church with its Pope.

There are many steps to the truth and we are all so blind.It is not so easy...

The thing is Church of god is under continous siege of Satan. There isn't "one and completely proper doctrine" today probably. Jesus promised his Church at the end will prevail over forces of hell,but did he ever promised it will be "intact" or said it would demand martyrdom of many his believers ? Aren't his teachings hard ?

And our quarrel here is unnecessary,might be even harmful for Q movement.Because Q is mostly about our world not the theology. Not the religious doctrine being about God's kingdom not being material,but about our material world. The thing is of course there are people guided by God and being tools in his hands. Like Roman emperors from Constantine were really for Christianity - you call this "evil", I call this God's plan and will.Plan which caused there is more than billion (in US convention: so thousand million) Christians - Ortodox,Roman Catholic and Protestant on the globe - and maybe will be still more. I hope Q is meant to break or expose those serving satan and being against the God.To save us or at least our souls if not our material bodies.

4 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I said I ended with you,but ok...

what he ("Francis"/Bergolio ?) preaches

What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".

It is obvious than in Vatican we have satanist and homosexual lobby of bishops,case of "Panachama" is obvious example of this cancer in Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.I would even say that bishops who seemed still to be righteous did not enough fearing they could be called schismatic.

And going even deeper - technically I think even that Ortodoxia (Eastern Ortodox Catholic Church whose so called "superior" is in Constantinopole) was and is right in many things more than Roman church with its Pope.

There are many steps to the truth and we are all so blind.It is not so easy...

The thing is Church of god is under continous siege of Satan. There isn't "one and completely proper doctrine" today probably. Jesus promised his Church at the end will prevail over forces of hell,but did he ever promised it will be "intact" or said it would demand martyrdom of many his believers ? Aren't his teachings hard ?

And our quarrel here is unnecessary,might be even harmful for Q movement.Because Q is mostly about our world not the theology. Not the religious doctrine being about God's kingdom not being material,but about our material world. The thing is of course there are people guided by God and being tools in his hands. Like Roman emperors from Constantine were really for Christianity - you call this "evil", I call this God's plan and will.Plan which caused there is more than billion Christians on the globe - and maybe will be more. I hope Q is meant to break or expose those serving satan and being against the God.To save us or at least our souls if not our material bodies.

4 years ago
1 score