It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone a free pass to do anything they want, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man and his Resurrection will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day! I'm not judging anyone when I say this as I have no authority to judge but to warn and no one can be supporting/partaking in abortion, homosexuality, war, greed, etc, and enter into Heaven! Now if the people have changed their ways and have truly repented have a decent chance to enter Heaven, But that is my opinion as only Jesus Christ has authority on who enters and who doesn't, I'm just going by his guidelines.
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone a free pass to do anything they want, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man and his Resurrection will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day! I'm not judging anyone when I say this as I have no authority to judge but to warn and no one can be supporting/partaking in abortion, homosexuality, war, greed, etc, and enter into Heaven! Now if the people have changed their ways and have truly repented have a decent chance to enter Heaven, But that is my opinion.
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone a free pass to do anything they want, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day! I'm not judging anyone when I say this as I have no authority to judge but to warn and no one can be supporting/partaking in abortion, homosexuality, war, greed, etc, and enter into Heaven! Now if the people have changed their ways and have truly repented have a decent chance to enter Heaven, But that is my opinion.
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone a free pass to do anything they want, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day! I'm not judging anyone when I say this as I have no authority to judge but to warn and no one can be supporting abortion, homosexuality, war, greed, etc and enter into Heaven!
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone a free pass to do anything they want, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day!
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone to do anything, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire! Everybody will face judgment day!
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone to do anything, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire!
It's called the bible! You know Jesus was his plan! Revelation is his plan! Jerusalem was conquered as countless others. it was all his plans and he sent prophets to warn people to repent if they listened he withheld judgment, so we have free will to a point!. If they didn't repent after a time he brought judgment! I think some like to think The Father gave everyone to do anything, that is not the case, He has given us the bible, with commandments and laws to follow the ones who follow and believe in The Son of Man will be allowed to enter the Kindom of Heaven. The people that want to be their own God, will burn in the lake of fire!