I've cut the disrespectful ones off. I'll let reality hit them in the face and take another look if and when they come crawling back. You want to support child abuse, communism, mandatory face diapers and experimental gene therapy for a flu, take it somewhere else. This is the information age, ignorance is not an excuse.
I've cut the disrespectful ones off. I'll let reality hit them in the face and take another look if and when they come crawling back. You want to support child abuse, communism, face diapers and mandatory experimental gene therapy for a flu, take it somewhere else. This is the information age, ignorance is not an excuse.
I've cut the disrespectful ones off. I'll let reality hit them in the face and take another look if and when they come crawling back. You want to support child abuse and mandatory experimental gene therapy for a flu, take it somewhere else. This is the information age, refusing to take a look at the evidence is not an excuse.