**UPDATE: ** I downloaded my own file and run it through OpenStego and Pixelknot. I can confirm Pixelknot cannot read OpenStego images. Other's have said Silenteye doesn't open it either. So there is no cross compatibility between these programs which is a shame. I will attempt some test with Pixelknot to see what affect it has on file sizes, however it's very difficult using android and not a real desktop... Pixelknot says it uses a "newly developed steganography algorithm F5" so if anyone knows of a desktop app that is compatible that would greatly help.
Okay I've learned something. The output is either a PNG or BMP. The file size increased considerably for this file. It was a 82kb file, it became a 197kb file with a simple 27 byte text file. All PNG's in qdrops may contain hidden messages. I figured it would be a good idea for everyone to have a file to play with to verify everything's working.
Okay I've learned something. The output is either a PNG or BMP. The file size increased considerably for this file. It was a 82kb file, it became a 197kb file with a simple 27 byte text file. All PNG's in qdrops may contain hidden messages.
I figured it would be a good idea for everyone to have a file to play with to verify everything's working.
Okay I've learned something. The output is either a PNG or BMP. The file size increases considerably. This was a 82kb file, it became a 197kb file with a simple 27 byte text file. All PNG's in qdrops may be hidden messages.