Reason: None provided.
1*7+7+6 = 20
1+7+7+6 =21
(1*7+7+6) & (1+7+7+6) = 2021
1776 twice for the second American revolution
4 years ago
8 score
Reason: None provided.
1*7+7+6 = 20
1+7+7+6 =21
(1x7+7+6) & (1+7+7+6) = 2021
1776 twice for the second American revolution
4 years ago
8 score
Reason: None provided.
1*7+7+6 = 20 1+7+7+6 =21 (1x7+7+6) & (1+7+7+6) = 2021 1776 twice for the second American revolution
4 years ago
8 score
Reason: Original
17+7+6 = 20 1+7+7+6 =21 (17+7+6) & (1+7+7+6) = 2021 1776 twice for the second American revolution
4 years ago
1 score