Reason: None provided.
Of course they're dirty:
- Kavanagh was Bill Clinton's DoJ whitewash boy on the Starr Report (because keeping the lid of Pandora's Box closed on the Clinton Body Count is Job #1 in DC.)
- Amy has a pair of Haitian foster-kids. ("Suspiciously close to Haiti!".) -- You just have to know something screwy is going on there.
3 years ago
0 score
Reason: Original
Of course they're dirty, and it wasn't all that hard to tell before now:
Kavanagh was Bill Clinton's DoJ whitewash boy on the Starr Report (because keeping the lid of Pandora's Box closed on the Clinton Body Count is Job #1 in DC.)
Amy has a pair of Haitian foster-kids. ("Suspiciously close to Haiti!".) -- You just have to know something screwy is going on there.
3 years ago
1 score