It's cheaper in Mexico. You buy it here, you're wasting your money. Take a vacation south of the border, however? ¿Compras mucha plata? Puedes comprar un arma con lo que guardas.
I don't waste my money on precious metals in America. I spend it on bullets, brass, and powder. If you have a shred of sense, you'll go outside the country for your precious metals, bring it into the US in your truck, and sell it here for a severely marked up price - to people like the moron who downvoted me. LmFao.
It's cheaper in Mexico. You buy it here, you're wasting your money. Take a vacation south of the border, however? ¿Compras mucha plata? Puedes comprar un arma con lo que guardas.
I don't waste my money on precious metals in America. I spend it on bullets, brass, and powder. If you have a shred of sense, you'll go outside the country for your precious metals, bring it into the US in your truck, and sell it here - to people like the moron who downvoted me. LmFao.
It's cheaper in Mexico. You buy it here, you're wasting your money. Take a vacation south of the border, however? ¿Compras mucha plata? Puedes comprar un arma con lo que guardas.