I am patiently plowed through that whole thing at 1.25x, and was already eye-rolling in the first few minutes as Scott read off that laundry-list of claims, one of which was that the cold-snap in Texas was a Chinese HAARP attack.
Damned near torqued the optic nerves right out of my head.
Radio-waves and meteorology don't work like that, anymore than you can cause earthquake epicenters twenty miles underground like it does when Hulk stomps angrily in a cartoon. In the grand scheme of things, we are still very puny creatures.
I am patiently plowed through that whole thing at 1.25x, and was already eye-rolling in the first few minutes as read of that laundry-list of claims, one of which was that the cold-snap in Texas was a Chinese HAARP attack.
Damned near torqued the optic nerves right out of my head.
Radio-waves and meteorology don't work like that, anymore than you can cause earthquake epicenters twenty miles underground like it does when Hulk stomps angrily in a cartoon. In the grand scheme of things, we are still very puny creatures.