It's not getting truckloads of cash weekly like some believe. Understand that if we just weren't currently being raped in so many different ways and our taxed money was being used for what is supposed to be used for, everyone would be instantly a lot wealthier, happier, and have more time.
The cabal collection agency ( some call it government ) grew into a mega club of criminals and that monster needed fed more and more as it grew. It should not be as big as it is and it does not take a big portion of our wages to run the country. They steal more and more for their coffers and less and less goes to us and improving the Country as a whole.
There's a difference between working to do good, be productive, or buy additional, but often unnecessary wants, versus forced to slave 60 hrs a week to have the basics ( food, water, shelter ). I think Gesara aims to help those on the lower end to not have to do that.
I do not condone laziness, but if u are able bodied u should be doing some type of work to help yourself. Breeding lazy asses is not good for anything or anyone. Actually I guess breeding fatties is good for big pharma - moving on.
Now on the other hand I also do not believe we should have to work 5 on and only get 2 days off. 1 day goes to chores so u get what? 1 day to choose to rest or to live life ? That's not right. 4 to 3 ratio seems fair.
A lot of good will be done with that free time people would now have. Yeah some would just stay in mommy's basement eating cheetohs and playing games, but I'd like to think most would not.
Whether they spend that time on their kids, their community, their home, self efficiency, helping others, etc. it would all be good things. More free time increases the people's willingness to help others. People might be more likely to STOP, interact, see each other as humans / people - not just passersby, OR in today's world " walking virus dispensing pez machines " . Time will benefit humanity.
Look at people pre covid. Too busy to interact, always on the go and stretched thin. Rushing around to stay afloat. No time for life, helping each other, spreading joy, etc. All by design btw. If we have time we talk, we organize, we revolt as we realize " Hey something's not right here. I'm slaving over here and I live in a dumpster rationing ramen noodles ".
We are an industrious people, but working as a slave is not why we are here. The cabal created and normalized that shit.
One thing to note is 1 of biggest reason 9 - 11 happened was supposedly to stop Nesara/Gesara. ( Yeah I know about the gold, Patriot act, Mass Ritual Sacrifice, $ 2.3 Trillion, Billions in payouts, etc. ).
For them to pull a 9 - 11 tho means they were terrified of it, which means we should prolly be excited for it.
It will be a Game Changer or as some call it " A Brave New World ".
It's not getting truckloads of cash weekly like some believe. Understand that if we just weren't currently being raped in so many different ways and our taxed money was being used for what is supposed to be used for, everyone would be instantly a lot wealthier, happier, and have more time.
The cabal collection agency ( some called it government ) grew into a mega club of criminals and that monster needed fed more and more as it grew. It should not be as big as it is and it does not take a big portion of our wages to run the country. They steal more and more for their coffers and less and less goes to us and improving the Country as a whole.
There's a difference between working to do good, be productive, or buy additional, but often unnecessary wants, versus forced to slave 60 hrs a week to have the basics ( food, water, shelter ). I think Gesara aims to help those on the lower end to not have to do that.
I do not condone laziness, but if u are able bodied u should be doing some type of work to help yourself. Breeding lazy asses is not good for anything or anyone. Actually I guess breeding fatties is good for big pharma - moving on.
Now on the other hand I also do not believe we should have to work 5 on and only get 2 days off. 1 day goes to chores so u get what? 1 day to choose to rest or to live life ? That's not right. 4 to 3 ratio seems fair.
A lot of good will be done with that free time people would now have. Yeah some would just stay in mommy's basement eating cheetohs and playing games, but I'd like to think most would not.
Whether they spend that time on their kids, their community, their home, self efficiency, helping others, etc. it would all be good things. More free time increases the people's willingness to help others. People might be more likely to STOP, interact, see each other as humans / people - not just passersby, OR in today's world " walking virus dispensing pez machines " . Time will benefit humanity.
Look at people pre covid. Too busy to interact, always on the go and stretched thin. Rushing around to stay afloat. No time for life, helping each other, spreading joy, etc. All by design btw. If we have time we talk, we organize, we revolt as we realize " Hey something's not right here. I'm slaving over here and I live in a dumpster rationing ramen noodles ".
We are an industrious people, but working as a slave is not why we are here. The cabal created and normalized that shit.
One thing to note is 1 of biggest reason 9 - 11 happened was supposedly to stop Nesara/Gesara. ( Yeah I know about the gold, Patriot act, Mass Ritual Sacrifice, $ 2.3 Trillion, Billions in payouts, etc. ).
For them to pull a 9 - 11 tho means they were terrified of it, which means we should prolly be excited for it.
It will be a Game Changer or as some call it " A Brave New World ".
It's not getting truckloads of cash weekly like some believe. Understand that if we just weren't currently being raped in so many different ways and our taxed money was being used for what is supposed to be used for, everyone would be instantly a lot wealthier, happier, and have more time.
The cabal collection agency ( some called it government ) grew into a mega club of criminals and that monster needed fed more and more as it grew. It should not be as big as it is and it does not take a big portion of our wages to run the country. They steal more and more for their coffers and less and less goes to us and improving the Country as a whole.
There's a difference between working to do good, be productive, or buy additional, but often unnecessary wants, versus forced to slave 60 hrs a week to have the basics ( food, water, shelter ). I think Gesara aims to help those on the lower end to not have to do that.
I do not condone laziness, but if u are able bodied u should be doing some type of work to help yourself. Breeding lazy asses is not good for anything or anyone. Actually I guess breeding fatties is good for big pharma - moving on.
Now on the other hand I also do not believe we should have to work 5 on and only get 2 days off. 1 day goes to chores so u get what? 1 day to choose to rest or to live life ? That's not right. 4 to 3 ratio seems fair.
A lot of good will be done with that free time people would now have. Yeah some would just stay in mommy's basement eating cheetohs and playing games, but I'd like to think most would not.
Whether they spend that time on their kids, their community, their home, self efficiency, helping others, etc. it would all be good things. More free time increases the people's willingness to help others. People might be more likely to STOP, interact, see each other as humans / people - not just passersby. Time will benefit humanity.
Look at people pre covid. Too busy to interact, always on the go and stretched thin. Rushing around to stay afloat. No time for life, helping each other, spreading joy, etc. All by design btw. If we have time we talk, we organize, we revolt as we realize " Hey something's not right here. I'm slaving over here and I live in a dumpster rationing ramen noodles ".
We are an industrious people, but working as a slave is not why we are here. The cabal created and normalized that shit.
One thing to note is 1 of biggest reason 9 - 11 happened was supposedly to stop Nesara/Gesara. ( Yeah I know about the gold, Patriot act, Mass Ritual Sacrifice, $ 2.3 Trillion, Billions in payouts, etc. ).
For them to pull a 9 - 11 tho means they were terrified of it, which means we should prolly be excited for it.
It will be a Game Changer or as some call it " A Brave New World ".
It's not getting truckloads of cash weekly like some believe. Understand that if we just weren't currently being raped in so many different ways and our taxed money was being used for what is supposed to be used for, everyone would be instantly a lot wealthier, happier, and have more time.
The cabal collection agency ( some called it government ) grew into a mega club of criminals and that monster needed fed more and more as it grew. It should not be as big as it is and it does not take a big portion of our wages to run the country. They steal more and more for their coffers and less and less goes to us and improving the Country as a whole.
There's a difference between working to do good, be productive, or buy additional, but often unnecessary wants, versus forced to slave 60 hrs a week to have the basics ( food, water, shelter ). I think Gesara aims to help those on the lower end to not have to do that.
I do not condone laziness, but if u are able bodied u should be doing some type of work to help yourself. Breeding lazy asses is not good for anything or anyone. Actually I guess breeding fatties is good for big pharma - moving on.
Now on the other hand I also do not believe we should have to work 5 on and only get 2 days off. 1 day goes to chores so u get what? 1 day to rest and 1 to live life ? That's not right. 4 to 3 ratio seems fair.
A lot of good will be done with that free time people would now have. Yeah some would just stay in mommy's basement eating cheetohs and playing games, but I'd like to think most would not.
Whether they spend that time on their kids, their community, their home, self efficiency, helping others, etc. it would all be good things. More free time increases the people's willingness to help others. People might be more likely to STOP, interact, see each other as humans / people - not just passersby. Time will benefit humanity.
Look at people pre covid. Too busy to interact, always on the go and stretched thin. Rushing around to stay afloat. No time for life, helping each other, spreading joy, etc. All by design btw. If we have time we talk, we organize, we revolt as we realize " Hey something's not right here. I'm slaving over here and I live in a dumpster rationing ramen noodles ".
We are an industrious people, but working as a slave is not why we are here. The cabal created and normalized that shit.
One thing to note is 1 of biggest reason 9 - 11 happened was supposedly to stop Nesara/Gesara. ( Yeah I know about the gold, Patriot act, Mass Ritual Sacrifice, $ 2.3 Trillion, Billions in payouts, etc. ).
For them to pull a 9 - 11 tho means they were terrified of it, which means we should prolly be excited for it.
It will be a Game Changer or as some call it " A Brave New World ".