The bigger threat is a lithium fire- which many systems contain, albeit in small amounts (Battery-backed RAID, for instance), but many of the newer large-scale UPS systems are using massive banks of lithium batteries in place of the older lead-acid batteries.
"Green" Argon-containing suppression systems like Inergen work primarily by rapidly removing heat from the fire, but have been proven to be pretty much useless at extinguishing lithium. Once lithium goes runaway, a gas system simply doesn't have enough mass to sink that amount of heat.
That's just one reason FM-200 is still king in the US and people that still have Halon (which interrupts the oxidizing reaction) keep their mouths shut and DCs safe. If they were using anything other than FM-200, I'd chalk this one up as yet another example of "When environmental policy bites you in the ass, again".
The bigger threat is a lithium fire- which many systems contain, albeit in small amounts (Battery-backed RAID, for instance), but many of the newer large-scale UPS systems are using massive banks of lithium batteries in place of the older lead-acid batteries.
"Green" Argon-containing suppression systems like Inergen work primarily by rapidly removing heat from the fire, but have been proven to be pretty much useless at extinguishing lithium. Once lithium goes runaway, a gas system simply doesn't have enough mass to sink that amount of heat.
That's just one reason FM-200 is still king in the US and people that still have Halon (which interrupts the oxidizing reaction) keep their mouths shut and DCs safe. If they were using anything other than FM-200, I'd chalk this one up a yet another example of "When environmental policy bites you in the ass, again".
The bigger threat is a lithium fire- which many systems contain, albeit in small amounts (Battery-backed RAID, for instance), but many of the newer large-scale UPS systems are using massive banks of lithium batteries in place of the older lead-acid batteries.
"Green" Argon-containing suppression systems like Inergen work primarily by rapidly removing heat from the fire, but have been proven to be pretty much useless at extinguishing lithium.
That's just one reason FM-200 is still king in the US and people that still have Halon (which interrupts the oxidizing reaction) keep their mouths shut and DCs safe. If they were using anything other than FM-200, I'd chalk this one up a yet another example of "When environmental policy bites you in the ass, again".