Dr Judy Wood termed the phrase 'dustification' and claims ONLY directed energy weapons can do that. There was a Russian nuclear expert who said the same, but with nukes. Then the crater and lava for weeks. Then the cancer in the first responders. I don't even believe there were any planes. See Ace Baker and 'pinocchio's nose'. See also Chopper 5 cameramans sideline business in video compositing. The whole thing stinks 19 years later and what? We're supposed to believe anything's gonna get done about a few fake ballots?
Dr Judy Wood termed the phrase 'dustification' and claims ONLY nukes can do that. There was a Russian nuclear expert who said the same. Then the crater and lava for weeks. Then the cancer in the first responders. I don't even believe there were any planes. See Ace Baker and 'pinocchio's nose'. See also Chopper 5 cameramans sideline business in video compositing. The whole thing stinks 19 years later and what? We're supposed to believe anything's gonna get done about a few fake ballots?