The connection is literally biblical. Demons/nephilim are the disembodied spawn of Watchers/fallen -- the fallen are the same nonhuman "principalities and powers" that Paul asserts we Christians war against. They hate humanity. The left is motivated by this inhuman and murderous hate; it hardly matters whether it's explicit or mere influence --- it's anti-life.
Anti-Breeding. Anti-child. Anti-procreation. Anti-innocence. Anti-contentment. Anti-family. Anti-creation. Leftism: anti-God because God is life, and he chose to be human. So anti-human.
It's hard to unsee, once seen...
The connection is literally biblical. Demons/nephilim are the disembodied spawn of Watchers/fallen -- the fallen are the same nonhuman "principalities and powers" that Paul asserts we Christians war against. They hate humanity. The left is motivated by this inhuman and murderous hate; it hardly matters whether it's explicit or mere influence --- it's anti-life.
Anti-Breeding. Anti-child. Anti-procreation. Anti-innocence. Anti-contentment. Anti-family. Anti-creation. Leftism: anti-God because God is life, and he chose to be human. So anti-human.
It's hard to unsee, once seen...
The connection is literally biblical. Demons/nephilim are the disembodied spawn of Watchers/fallen -- the fallen are the same nonhuman "principalities and powers" that Paul asserts we Christians war against. They hate humanity. The anti-human left is motivated by this inhuman and murderous hate; it hardly matters whether it's explicit or mere influence --- it's anti-life.
Anti-Breeding. Anti-child. Anti-procreation. Anti-innocence. Anti-contentment. Anti-family. Anti-creation. Leftism: anti-God because God is life, and he chose to be human.
It's hard to unsee, once seen...
The connection is literally biblical. Demons/nephilim are the disembodied spawn of Watchers/fallen -- the fallen are the same nonhuman "principalities and powers" that Paul asserts we Christians war against. They hate humanity. The anti-human left is motivated by this inhuman hate; it hardly matters whether it's explicit or mere influence --- it's anti-life.
Anti-Breeding. Anti-child. Anti-procreation. Anti-innocence. Anti-contentment. Anti-family. Anti-creation. Leftism: anti-God because God is life, and he chose to be human.
It's hard to unsee, once seen...
The connection is literally biblical. Demons/nephilim are the disembodied spawn of Watchers/fallen -- the fallen are the same nonhuman "principalities and powers" that Paul asserts we Christians war against. They hate humanity. The anti-human left is motivated by this inhuman hate; it hardly matters whether it's explicit or mere influence --- it's anti-life.
Anti-Breeding. Anti-child. Anti-procreation. Anti-innocence. Anti-contentment. Anti-family. Anti-human. Leftism: anti-God because God is life, and chose to be human. Hard to unsee once seen...