What would constitute proof? Pictures? They exist, but could be made up, or from a different coronavirus. DNA? I've provided several sources for that (if you took the time to look instead of dismissing out of hand). Tests on the virus itself? I provided links to that as well and can provide hundreds more.
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What would constitute proof? Pictures? They exist, but could be made up, or from a different coronavirus. DNA? I've provided several sources for that (if you took the time to look instead of dismissing out of hand). Tests on the virus itself? I provided links to that as well and can provide hundreds more.
What exactly would you like to see?
What would constitute proof? Pictures? They exist, but could be made up, or from a different coronavirus. DNA? I've provided several sources for that (if you took the time to look instead of dismissing out of hand). Tests on the virus itself? I provided links to that as well.
What exactly would you like to see?