Will wait to see what gets done about the obvious fraud, if anything
No reason to be hopeful for any institution in America to fix this shit except a tiny fraction of the military that doesn't take orders from the Deepstate Pentagon, which an eminently credible yet anonymous person/small group working with Trump has said is bringing justice to the US and the world. It's exciting and nerve-wracking.
Will wait to see what gets done about the obvious fraud, if anything
No reason to be hopeful for any institution in America to fix this shit except a tiny fraction of the military that doesn't take orders from the Deepstate Pentagon, which an eminently credible yet anonymous person/small group working with Trump has said is bringing justice to the US and the world. It's exciting and nerve-wracking.
Will wait to see what gets done about the obvious fraud, if anything
No reason to be hopeful for any institution in America to fix this shit except a tiny fraction of the military that doesn't take orders from the Deepstate Pentagon, which an anonymous guy who is/was working with Trump said is going to fix this