99+% is common sense to anyone with a 3rd grade education. What Trump is doing is saving the world. He can't curtail that for the idiots that refuse to use some critical thinking. If people can't be bothered to do the most basic research on an experimental vax for a virus less dangerous than the flu then they can't be helped. I run into a lot of people in my line of work on a weekly basis. Meet plenty of people that have no idea what this site is and still know better than to take the vaccine because it doesn't take rocket science or a good forum to figure it out.
99+% is common sense to anyone with a 3rd grade education. What Trump is doing is saving the world. He can't curtail that for the idiots that refuse to use some critical thinking. If people can't be bothered to do the most basic research on an experimental vax for a virus less dangerous than the flu then they can't be helped. I run into a lot of people in my line of word on a weekly basis. Meet plenty of people that have no idea what this site is and still know better than to take the vaccine because it doesn't take rocket science or a good forum to figure it out.