Reason: None provided.
If you buy a 91-domino set, exactly 4 dominoes have 17 pips like the 6-11 does (4%). In a 136-domino set, 7 dominoes do (5%). Both are widely sold but not as widely played as 28- and 55-domino sets (0% and 2%). That puts conservative odds well under 1%, or "slightly eyebrow-raising", but not "jaw-dropping".
3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original
If you buy a 91-domino set, exactly 4 dominoes have 17 pips like the 6-11 does (4%). In a 136-domino set, 7 dominoes do (5%). Both are widely sold but not as widely played as 28- and 55-domino sets (0%). That puts conservative odds well under 1%, or "slightly eyebrow-raising", but not "jaw-dropping".
3 years ago
1 score