You just might be right. Hopefully we have a Teal'c roaming the Earth.
There was one episode of SG-1 where a guest character went on about how the media is supposed to be a check on government, aka, not go hand-in-hand. It was as recent as the 90's & early 2000's that popular film had some common sense.
You just might be right. Hopefully we have a Teal'c roaming the Earth.
There was one episode of SG-1 where a guest character went on about how the media is supposed to be a check on government, aka, not go hand-in-hand it with. It was as recent as the 90's & early 2000's that popular film had some common sense.
You just might be right. Hopefully we have a Teal'c roaming the Earth.
There was one episode of SG-1 where one of the guest characters went on about how the media is supposed to be a check on government, aka, not go hand-in-hand it with. It was as recent as the 90's & early 2000's that popular film had some common sense.