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Hi friends,

Like many new members here, I'd like to thank this community for giving me peace of mind in confusing and turbulent era in American history. While I think it's exciting that every tweet and piece of news needs to be collected here as we approach "the reveal", I think it might also be worth including some slower-paced thoughtful discussion about the Great Awakening.

Similar to Straka's #WalkAway movement (#AwakeTowards?), this first post can be about how you experienced your awakening as a follower of Q.

For me personally, I feel as though I've gone through two transformations to becoming awake: The redpill and a personal great awakening.

1. My Redpill to Fake News

The MSM media bias is something I always had a feeling about since I started following politics during the Bush/Obama years (as a millennial follower). The media spin of globalism, meaningless wars, and disregard of actual domestic issues in America all contributed to my increasingly jaded and nihilistic view of the world.

Then, I heard Trump speak at one his rallies finally addressing these things. Him calling out the fake news finally gave me what I needed to look at mainstream media and culture with the discerning skeptical eye. But what still worried me was that nearly my entire bubble of friends and family were still falling for MSM. I was still worried and confused about how we were going to win against the brainwashing might of the uni-party (big-tech, hollywood, big-pharma, DNC/R(ino)NC). Especially with all the dismissal of election fraud.

2. My Great Awakening/Q

Then came Q. I've also appreciated it when Q followers posted in TD.WIN, but never fully believed in (or looked into) this seeming fantasy that good guys are going to swoop in and save the day.

Until, the Capitol protest. T tweets that patriots should come to DC 1/6 because its "going to be wild", gives a lowish energy speech about election fraud we all knew already (I was hoping for cabbal evidence), says that Pence can show courage by "doing nothing at all", Pence immediately reveals he's going to allow certification, "patriots" storm the Capitol locking it down, laptops are collected, and fraud election (and swamp creatures) become certified.

This is what told me Q was real and that in due time the truth to the Americans (and the World) be revealed. And since then, I've learned about the countless evidence proving Q. Just like I had become awake as Trump supporter, I had to also become awake to become a Q supporter.

This was a little longer than I'd hope (so much to talk about!). I would love to hear your stories, especially early Q followers.

TLDR: Waking up to Q was like ripping off another layer of TPTB-narrative onion (the first being fake news). What's your story?

Other thoughts:

  • Pretty much all of my family and friends are still asleep, but little comments make me believe they are waking up. And I try to push them in the right direction enough without closing them off. I think a longer discussion about strategies to wake people up will be necessary as well.
  • I believe Bannon is in the know about Q, but caters towards those in [1]. "There is no conspiracy, but there are also no coincidences" (Is Q a conspiracy? ?). It makes watching the Warroom with a discerning eye more interesting.
  • Short FB, TWTR? lol


4 years ago
6 score
Reason: Original

Hi friends,

Like many new members here, I'd like to thank this community for giving me peace of mind in confusing and turbulent era in American history. While I think it's exciting that every tweet and piece of news needs to be collected here as we approach "the reveal", I think it might also be worth including some slower-paced thoughtful discussion about the Great Awakening.

Similar to Straka's #WalkAway movement (#AwakeTowards?), this first post can be about how you experienced your awakening as a follower of Q.

For me personally, I feel as though I've gone through two transformations to becoming awake: The redpill and a personal great awakening.

1. My Redpill to Fake News

The MSM media bias is something I always had a feeling about since I started following politics during the Bush/Obama years (as a millennial follower). The media spin of globalism, meaningless wars, and disregard of actual domestic issues in America all contributed to my increasingly jaded and nihilistic view of the world.

Then, I heard Trump speak at one his rallies finally addressing these things. Him calling out the fake news finally gave me what I needed to look at mainstream media and culture with the discerning skeptical eye. But what still worried me was that nearly my entire bubble of friends and family were still falling for MSM. I was still worried and confused about how we were going to win against the brainwashing might of the uni-party (big-tech, hollywood, big-pharma, DNC/R(ino)NC). Especially with all the dismissal of election fraud.

2. My Great Awakening/Q

Then came Q. I've also appreciated it when Q followers posted in TD.WIN, but never fully believed in (or looked into) this seeming fantasy that good guys are going to swoop in and save the day.

Until, the Capitol protest. T tweets that patriots should come to DC 1/6 because its "going to be wild", gives a lowish energy speech about election fraud we all knew already (I was hoping for cabbal evidence), says that Pence can show courage by "doing nothing at all", Pence immediately reveals he's going to allow certification, "patriots" storm the Capitol locking it down, laptops are collected, and fraud election (and swamp creatures) become certified.

This is what told me Q was real and that in due time the truth to the Americans (and the World) be revealed. And since then, I've learned about the countless evidence proving Q ( Just like I had become awake as Trump supporter, I had to also become awake to become a Q supporter.

This was a little long, but I would love to hear your stories, especially early Q followers.

Other thoughts:

  • Pretty much all of my family and friends are still asleep, but little comments make me believe they are waking up. And I try to push them in the right direction enough without closing them off. I think a longer discussion about strategies to wake people up will be necessary as well.
  • I believe Bannon is in the know about Q, but caters towards those in [1]. "There is no conspiracy, but there are also no coincidences" (Is Q a conspiracy? ?). It makes watching the Warroom with a discerning eye more interesting.

TLDR: Waking up to Q was like ripping off another layer of TPTB-narrative onion (the first being fake news). What's your story?

4 years ago
1 score