And finally, an Evergreen hot air balloon will somehow get stuck in mid air.
The world will watch in awe as a fleet of Space Force UFO suddenly drop their invisibility cloaks and move to arrest...
Richard Branson!!!
Donald Trump will arrive on a jet pack, grab Branson by the throat and pull off Branson's mask, revealing Bill Gates!
He willl lead him to the edge of a Space Force gangplank, calmly say "Hasta La Vista, Baby" and push him over the edge into the waiting ocean.
Space Force, of course, vaporizes him before he hits the water.
God peaks from behind the clouds, winks and says "Okily Dokily, Trumperino!" and the angels sing.
(Shout outs to Britpat!)
Enjoy the Show.
And finally, an Evergreen hot air balloon will somehow get stuck in mid air.
The world will watch in awe as a fleet of Space Force UFO suddenly drop their invisibility cloaks and move to arrest...
Richard Branson!!!
Donald Trump will arrive on a jet pack, grab Branson by the throat and pull off Branson's mask, revealing Bill Gates!
He willl lead him to the edge of a Space Force gangplank, calmly say "Hasta La Vista, Baby" and push him over the edge into the waiting ocean.
Space Force, of course, vaporizes him before he hits the water.
God peaks from behind the clouds, winks and says "Okily Dokily, Trumperino!" and the angels sing.
(Shout outs to Britpat!)
Enjoy the Show.
And finally, an Evergreen hot air balloon will somehow get stuck in mid air.
The world will watch in awe as a fleet of Space Force UFO suddenly drop their invisibility cloaks and move to arrest...
Richard Branson!!!
Donald Trump will arrive on a jet pack, grab Branson by the throat and pull off Branson's mask, revealing Bill Gates!
He willl lead him to the edge of a Space Force gangplank, calmly say "Hasta La Vista, Baby" and push him over the edge into the waiting ocean.
Space Force, of course, vaporizes him before he hit waters.
God peaks from behind the clouds, winks and says "Okily Dokily, Trumperino!" and the angels sing.
(Shout outs to Britpat!)
Enjoy the Show.
And finally, an Evergreen hot air balloon will somehow get stuck in mid air.
The world will watch in awe as a fleet of Space Force UFO suddenly drop their invisibility cloaks and move to arrest...
Richard Branson!!!
Donald Trump will arrive on a jet pack, grab Branson by the throat and pull of Branson's mask, revealing Bill Gates!
He willl lead him to the edge of a Space Force gangplank, calmly say "Hasta La Vista, Baby" and push him over the edge into the waiting ocean.
Space Force, of course, vaporizes him before he hit waters.
God peaks from behind the clouds, winks and says "Okily Dokily, Trumperino!" and the angels sing.
(Shout outs to Britpat!)
Enjoy the Show.