Well people I agree that there is need of drunk Rednecks,but the problem is those "Rams" who would work are probably Belarusian production (even American Libherr T 282C wouldn't be enough):
and hmm... mhm... What with sanctions and fighting "evil dictator" who was about to have colorful revolution because of not accepted joining globalist covid dictature ?
(Funniest thing - communist collective farm director who became dictator... It seems such low level party member who ended as dictator is at worst just normal fornicator https://twitter.com/mwpotocki/status/1167142473048776705/photo/1 not paedophile or other pervert.And even it seems he is sometimes visiting church).
So: Sorry Killary... There will be no "Rams" like no vodka (you and your friend Bidet pissed off Vladimir too) ,and probably even Rednecks wouldn't like to help because they are on our side... :) So again sorry - kids will be free,unlike you.
Well people I agree that there is need of drunk Rednecks,but the problem is those "Rams" who would work are probably Belarusian production:
and hmm... mhm... What with sanctions and fighting "evil dictator" who was about to have colorful revolution because of not accepted joining globalist covid dictature ?
(Funniest thing - communist collective farm director who became dictator... It seems such low level party member who ended as dictator is at worst just normal fornicator https://twitter.com/mwpotocki/status/1167142473048776705/photo/1 not paedophile or other pervert.And even it seems he is sometimes visiting church).
So: Sorry Killary... There will be no "Rams" like no vodka (you and your friend Bidet pissed off Vladimir too) ,and probably even Rednecks wouldn't like to help because they are on our side... :) So again sorry - kids will be free,unlike you.
Well people I agree that there is need of drunk Rednecks,but the problem is those "Rams" who would work are probably Belarusian production:
and hmm... mhm... What with sanctions and fighting "evil dictator" who was about to have colorful revolution because of not accepted joining globalist covid dictature ?
(Funniest thing - communist collective farm director who became dictator... It seems such low level party member who ended as dictator is at worst just normal fornicator https://twitter.com/mwpotocki/status/1167142473048776705/photo/1 not paedophile or other pervert.And even it seems he is sometimes visiting church).
So: Sorry Hillary... There will be no "Rams" like no vodka (you and your friend Bidet pissed off Vladimir too) ,and probably even Rednecks wouldn't like to help... :)