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I live 15 minutes from Fort Knox. I've seen a lot of air traffic that looked militaryish flying around lately. Godman Airfield is in the Fort Knox area so that could explain it. It's not all the time and it's not every day but it's a lot more than normal.

That place is serious business. There's a certain road you can take to enter Fort Knox and it's easy to mistake it with the regular access road. This certain road is one way, meaning there's nowhere to turn around until you get to the base itself. The first time (and last) I mistakenly took the one-way road to Fort Knox I about pissed my pants. The men there at the entrance were kind to me, ladypede plus they saw how nervous I was, their guns were mighty huge up close. They asked for my license, asked me what I was doing, they were very paranoid. They said they needed to look in my car, I had no complaints and offered to pop the hatchback and even the hidden compartment under the trunk, they were happy with my cooperation.

They ran my license number and after a short conversation, they allowed me into the base only to turn around to take the exit road. I could feel their eyes on me the entire time I was looking for the way to the exit road. Fort Knox entrance is not easy to navigate. I was glad to be out of there. The army guys were serious and curious, but also kind. I have never turned down that road again. Scared the ever-loving piss right out of me.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I live 15 minutes from Fort Knox. I've seen a lot of air traffic that looked militaryish flying around lately. Godman Airfield is in the Fort Knox area so that could explain it. It's not all the time and it's not every day but it's a lot more than normal.

3 years ago
1 score