Actually, he and Mike are leading the disclosure. This started with the title of Mike's book, "Becoming". I really think they're going to use this as a distactiion and combined with racial grievances, attempt to divide the country one more time.
It's nothing but a misdirection from their crimes.
Actually, he and Mike are leading the disclosure. This started with the title of Mike's book, "Becoming". I really think they're going to use this as a misdirection and combined with racial grievances, attempt to divide the country one more time.
It's nothing but a misdirection from their crimes.
Actually, he and Mike are leading the disclosure. This started with the title of Mike's book, "Becoming". I really think their going to use this as a misdirection and combined with racial grievances, attempt to divide the country one more time.
It's nothing but a misdirection from their crimes.