With all due respect, as a Muslim Trump supporter (which I mentioned in my post a month ago), I believe that Muslims can be patriots too. Our fight is against the DS, not each other. This is a distraction to prevent us from overcoming the real enemy. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5fa08644c5b63dc9a5bfceef
edit: Well, looks like I’ve been permabanned for this. Sorry for offending anyone. Didn’t think being Muslim was going to be a problem here.
With all due respect, as a Muslim Trump supporter (which I mentioned in my post a month ago), I believe that Muslims can be patriots too. Our fight is against the DS, not each other. This is a distraction to prevent us from overcoming the real enemy. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5fa08644c5b63dc9a5bfceef
edit: Well, looks like I’ve been permabanned for this. Sorry for offending anyone.
With all due respect, as a Muslim Trump supporter (which I mentioned in my post a month ago), I believe that Muslims can be patriots too. Our fight is against the DS, not each other. This is a distraction to prevent us from overcoming the real enemy. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5fa08644c5b63dc9a5bfceef