First, my condolences for your loss. Sadly, it could have been avoided.
Most of us are concerned about adverse reactions to the jabs that occur within minutes to a couple of weeks after exposure. This is a problem that is being covered up. However, my concerns as a clinician are focused on what may be ahead that may possibly be worse than anything we could have imagined. After the initial adverse reactions, that you seem to be intimately aware of, the road ahead may be disasterous because of multiple mechanisms that the vaccine may cause depending on which jab a person receives. All of these various mechanisms will be in play at various times or concurrently - perfect cover by design.
All of the COVID jabs are being given during a time of active viral challenge that may lead to more pathogenic variants of coronaviruses that can threaten all of us. Jabbed individuals become walking petri dishes in the development of variant forms of the virus. Coronaviruses readily mutate as they move through a population - which is part of the reason they are studied as bioweapons. The jabs may very well be the added push to facilitate this process of coronavirus variant mutation. (As a side note, I always thought it was not the wisest thing to vaccinate people for influenza during the height of flu season. Giving vaccinations during that time actually may cause worsening of viral spread and contribute to more virulent forms. Hmmm? By design?)
Those that have received COVID jabs may be a danger to the rest of us as they shed viruses that their now weakened innate immune systems are unable to fight. So, even for those of us that do not receive the jab, we could still be at risk in the future from those people that have been jabbed. Especially for those of us that live in a household where some have bought into the fear and some have not. Our best defense is to stay healthy and load up on Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Zinc and Chaga can also be helpful.
In addition, the mRNA jabs in particular, will more than likely lead to immune priming that could be disasterous for anyone that received one of these untested jabs. Their manipulated immune systems could overreact when exposed to COVID in the wild while at the same time their non-specific antibody defenses leave them wide open to other disease. This is what could kill healthy adults that would have survived COVID to begin with if left alone. We have had treatments that have been suppressed in order to allow the introduction of these untested medical devises. Most of the animals in previous mRNA coronavirus studies died from this mechanism of immune priming. So, the animal testing was bypassed in order to warp speed the emergency approval. These are all possibilities at the moment, but from what we already know, it doesn't look good. The truth of the 1918 flu pandemic is that most of the fatalities had been vaccinated with a previously untested vaccine. Shhhh... we are not supposed to know that.
Because most people are relatively unaware of initial adverse reactions and possible future problems, they consider that it is safe to jump in the water and will get in line and roll up their sleeves. You know the brainwashing is successful because even when the adverse reactions hit close to home, as in your situation, cognitive dissonance will not allow them to see what is obviously staring them in the face. Those that only listen to the "approved news" are completely unaware of the discussions taking place like here on this board.
If what we suspect manifests into reality, this plandemic may possibly have been the perfect binary bioweapon for global depopulation and control. Release a pathogen that is mostly benign to the majority. Suppress known treatment. Hype the numbers to instill fear. Get the public to believe the answer is in the form of untested medical devices. Allow the population to then set off a chain reaction of pathogenic variants that will require more intervention that will further destroy the immune system that in return requires more intervention. The people themselves will be the cause of their own demise. But sadly, they will blame the designed morbidity on those refusing to participate rather than wake up.
First, my condolences for your loss. Sadly, it could have been avoided.
Most of us are concerned about adverse reactions to the jabs that occur within minutes to a couple of weeks after exposure. This is a problem that is being covered up. However, my concerns as a clinician are focused on what may be ahead that may possibly be worse than anything we could have imagined. After the initial adverse reactions, that you seem to be intimately aware of, the road ahead may be disasterous because of multiple mechanisms that the vaccine may cause depending on which jab a person receives. All of these various mechanisms will be in play at various times or concurrently - perfect cover by design.
All of the COVID jabs are being given during a time of active viral challenge that may lead to more pathogenic variants of coronaviruses that can threaten all of us. Jabbed individuals become walking petri dishes in the development of variant forms of the virus. Coronaviruses readily mutate as they move through a population - which is part of the reason they are studied as bioweapons. The jabs may very well be the added push to facilitate this process of coronavirus variant mutation. (As a side note, I always thought it was not the wisest thing to vaccinate people for influenza during the height of flu season. Giving vaccinations during that time actually may cause worsening of viral spread and contribute to more virulent forms. Hmmm? By design?)
Those that have received COVID jabs may be a danger to the rest of us as they shed viruses that their now weakened innate immune systems are unable to fight. So, even for those of us that do not receive the jab, we could still be at risk in the future from those people that have been jabbed. Especially for those of us that live in a household where some have bought into the fear and some have not. Our best defense is to stay healthy and load up on Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Zinc and Chaga can also be helpful.
In addition, the mRNA jabs in particular, will more than likely lead to immune priming that could be disasterous for anyone that received one of these untested jabs. Their manipulated immune systems could overreact when exposed to COVID in the wild while at the same time their non-specific antibody defenses leave them wide open to other disease. This is what could kill healthy adults that would have survived COVID to begin with if left alone. We have had treatments that have been suppressed in order to allow the introduction of these untested medical devises. Most of the animals in previous mRNA coronavirus studies died from this mechanism of immune priming. So, the animal testing was bypassed in order to warp speed the emergency approval. These are all possibilities at the moment, but from what we already know, it doesn't look good. The truth of the 1918 flu pandemic is that most of the fatalities had been previously vaccinated with a previously untested vaccine. Shhhh... we are not supposed to know that.
Because most people are relatively unaware of initial adverse reactions and possible future problems, they consider that it is safe to jump in the water and will get in line and roll up their sleeves. You know the brainwashing is successful because even when the adverse reactions hit close to home, as in your situation, cognitive dissonance will not allow them to see what is obviously staring them in the face. Those that only listen to the "approved news" are completely unaware of the discussions taking place like here on this board.
If what we suspect manifests into reality, this plandemic may possibly have been the perfect binary bioweapon for global depopulation and control. Release a pathogen that is mostly benign to the majority. Suppress known treatment. Hype the numbers to instill fear. Get the public to believe the answer is in the form of untested medical devices. Allow the population to then set off a chain reaction of pathogenic variants that will require more intervention that will further destroy the immune system that in return requires more intervention. The people themselves will be the cause of their own demise. But sadly, they will blame the designed morbidity on those refusing to participate rather than wake up.
First, my condolences for your loss. Sadly, it could have been avoided.
Most of us are concerned about adverse reactions to the jabs that occur within minutes to a couple of weeks after exposure. This is a problem that is being covered up. However, my concerns as a clinician are focused on what may be ahead that may possibly be worse than anything we could have imagined. After the initial adverse reactions, that you seem to be intimately aware of, the road ahead may be disasterous because of multiple mechanisms that the vaccine may cause depending on which jab a person receives. All of these various mechanisms will be in play at various times or concurrently - perfect cover by design.
All of the COVID jabs are being given during a time of active viral challenge that may lead to more pathogenic variants of coronaviruses that can threaten all of us. Jabbed individuals become walking petri dishes in the development of variant forms of the virus. Coronaviruses readily mutate as they move through a population - which is part of the reason they are studied as bioweapons. The jabs may very well be the added push to facilitate this process of coronavirus variant mutation. (As a side note, I always thought it was not the wisest thing to vaccinate people for influenza during the height of flu season. Giving vaccinations during that time actually may cause worsening of viral spread and contribute to more virulent forms. Hmmm? By design?)
Those that have received COVID jabs may be a danger to the rest of us as they shed viruses that their now weakened innate immune systems are unable to fight. So, even for those of us that do not receive the jab, we could still be at risk in the future from those people that have been jabbed. Especially for those of us that live in a household where some have bought into the fear and some have not. Our best defense is to stay healthy and load up on Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Zinc and Chaga can also be helpful.
In addition, the mRNA jabs in particular, will more than likely lead to immune priming that could be disasterous for anyone that received one of these untested jabs. Their manipulated immune systems could overreact when exposed to COVID in the wild while at the same time their non-specific antibody defenses leave them wide open to other disease. This is what could kill healthy adults that would have survived COVID to begin with if left alone. We have had treatments that have been suppressed in order to allow the introduction of these untested medical devises. Most of the animals in previous mRNA coronavirus studies died from this mechanism of immune priming. So, the animal testing was bypassed in order to warp speed the emergency approval. These are all possibilities at the moment, but from what we already know, it doesn't look good. The truth of the 1918 flu pandemic is that most of the fatalities had been previously vaccinated. Shhhh... we are not supposed to know that.
Because most people are relatively unaware of initial adverse reactions and possible future problems, they consider that it is safe to jump in the water and will get in line and roll up their sleeves. You know the brainwashing is successful because even when the adverse reactions hit close to home, as in your situation, cognitive dissonance will not allow them to see what is obviously staring them in the face. Those that only listen to the "approved news" are completely unaware of the discussions taking place like here on this board.
If what we suspect manifests into reality, this plandemic may possibly have been the perfect binary bioweapon for global depopulation and control. Release a pathogen that is mostly benign to the majority. Suppress known treatment. Hype the numbers to instill fear. Get the public to believe the answer is in the form of untested medical devices. Allow the population to then set off a chain reaction of pathogenic variants that will require more intervention that will further destroy the immune system that in return requires more intervention. The people themselves will be the cause of their own demise. But sadly, they will blame the designed morbidity on those refusing to participate rather than wake up.
First, my condolences for your loss. Sadly, it could have been avoided.
Most of us are concerned about adverse reactions to the jabs that occur within minutes to a couple of weeks after exposure. This is a problem that is being covered up. However, my concerns as a clinician are focused on what may be ahead that may possibly be worse than anything we could have imagined. After the initial adverse reactions, that you seem to be intimately aware of, the road ahead may be disasterous because of multiple mechanisms that the vaccine may cause depending on which jab a person receives. All of these various mechanisms will be in play at various times or concurrently - perfect cover by design.
All of the COVID jabs are being given during a time of active viral challenge that may lead to more pathogenic variants of coronaviruses that can threaten all of us. Jabbed individuals become walking petri dishes in the development of variant forms of the virus. Coronaviruses readily mutate as they move through a population - which is part of the reason they are studied as bioweapons. The jabs may very well be the added push to facilitate this process of coronavirus variant mutation. (As a side note, I always thought it was not the wisest thing to vaccinate people for influenza during the height of flu season. Giving vaccinations during that time actually may cause worsening of viral spread and contribute to more virulent forms. Hmmm? By design?)
Those that have received COVID jabs may be a danger to the rest of us as they shed viruses that their now weakened innate immune systems are unable to fight. So, even for those of us that do not receive the jab, we could still be at risk in the future from those people that have been jabbed. Especially for those of us that live in a household where some have bought into the fear and some have not. Our best defense is to stay healthy and load up on Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Zinc and Chaga can also be helpful.
In addition, the mRNA jabs in particular will more than likely lead to immune priming that could be disasterous for anyone that received one of the untested jabs. Their manipulated immune systems could overreact when exposed to COVID in the wild while at the same time their non-specific antibody defenses leave them wide open to other disease. This is what could kill healthy adults that would have survived COVID to begin with if left alone. We have had treatments that have been suppressed in order to allow the introduction of these untested medical devises. Most of the animals in previous mRNA coronavirus studies died from this mechanism of immune priming. So, the animal testing was bypassed in order to warp speed the emergency approval. These are all possibilities at the moment, but from what we already know, it doesn't look good. The truth of the 1918 flu pandemic is that most of the fatalities had been previously vaccinated. Shhhh... we are not supposed to know that.
Because most people are relatively unaware of initial adverse reactions and possible future problems, they consider that it is safe to jump in the water and will get in line and roll up their sleeves. You know the brainwashing is successful because even when the adverse reactions hit close to home, as in your situation, cognitive dissonance will not allow them to see what is obviously staring them in the face. Those that only listen to the "approved news" are completely unaware of the discussions taking place like here on this board.
If what we suspect manifests into reality, this plandemic may possibly have been the perfect binary bioweapon for global depopulation and control. Release a pathogen that is mostly benign to the majority. Suppress known treatment. Hype the numbers to instill fear. Get the public to believe the answer is in the form of untested medical devices. Allow the population to then set off a chain reaction of pathogenic variants that will require more intervention that will further destroy the immune system that in return requires more intervention. The people themselves will be the cause of their own demise. But sadly, they will blame the designed morbidity on those refusing to participate rather than wake up.