That plus that 12 year old kid he 'adopted' but didn't legally who had living Father and sister. Lived with single unmarried man from 12-17 YO
Gaetz: “Our relationship as a family is defined by our Love for each other, not by any paperwork.”
That plus that 12 year old kid he 'adopted' but didn't legally who had living Father and sister. Lived with unmarried man from 12-17 YO and 18 >
Gaetz: “Our relationship as a family is defined by our Love for each other, not by any paperwork.”
That plus that 12 year old kid he 'adopted' but didn't who had living Father and sister.
Gaetz: “Our relationship as a family is defined by our Love for each other, not by any paperwork.”
That plus that 12 year old kid he 'adopted' but didn't who had living Father and sister.
That plus that 12 year old kid he 'adopted' but didn't who had parents and sister alive. Creeper..