Vigilante this vigilante that. Go watch some more marvel faggot.
You clearly aren't a man. You showed your hand by your words. And clearly people disagree with you.
As I said you couldn't possible be a Trump supporter and be as much of a pussy pushover as you are. You are a loser. I feel bad for you honestly. But I also hope you get a dose of reality. By Trumps own definition you are a schmuck lol
This isn't a larp, I am not calling for mass violence. And I certainly don't use faggot terms like vigilante and right winged extremist, or TACT lmfao
All I see are a bunch of conservatives EVERYWHERE still wearing masks, and still cucking to lefty bullies. You are certainly a part of that. And we would be better off without you.
You are clearly a women and I am finding this more hilarious as it goes on. This is the issue in our society. Women have become a large part of decisions being made in our society. So we get women like you that end up ruining it for everyone else. See Weimar Germany, Rome, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. Women fuck it up with their TACT lol
Vigilante this vigilante that. Go watch some more marvel faggot.
You clearly aren't a man. You showed your hand by your words. And clearly people disagree with you.
As I said you couldn't possible be a Trump supporter and be as much of a pussy pushover as you are. You are a loser. I feel bad for you honestly. But I also hope you get a dose of reality. By Trumps own definition you are a schmuck lol
This isn't a larp, I am not calling for mass violence. And I certainly don't use faggot terms like vigilante and right winged extremist, or TACT lmfao
All I see are a bunch of conservatives EVERYWHERE still wearing masks, and still cucking to lefty bullies. You are certainly a part of that. And we would be better off without you.
You are clearly a women and I am finding this more hilarious as it goes on. This is the issue in our society. Women have become a large part of decisions being made in our society. So we get women like you that end up ruining it for everyone else. See Weimar Germany, Rome, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. Women fuck it up with their TACT lmao GTFO