You’re absolutely right. The right way to analyze things are not the most popular here I can see. Yet so many talk about The Red Pill, but when presented they don’t swallow it and see for themselves. What I don’t understand is why a lot of followers here are; not only informed, aware, believe, and know who runs the media, who runs hollywood, the music industry, for names sake The Federal Reserve. Yet instead of taking a breath of fresh air and re-analyzing what they’ve come to believe. They just double down and go all in on that amazing book of wisdom named Bible. That’s why MasterMasons Bible is the joke played on Sola Scriptura followers. Those Masters of deceit know what’s in there and laugh at the never ending self Interpretation. It’s actually quite cunning & brilliant way to lead yourself to damnation, where you’ll serve those laughing at you from the very bottom level pyramid of hell, while those who sold out stay a little cooler up towards the top. The True Jacobs Ladder, The True Masonic Hierachy Mystery oF The Pyramid.
You’re absolutely right. The right way to analyze things are not the most popular here I can see. Yet so many talk about The Red Pill, but when presented they don’t swallow it and see for themselves. What I don’t understand is why a lot of followers here are; not only informed, aware, believe, and know who runs the media, who runs hollywood, the music industry, for names sake The Federal Reserve. Yet instead of taking a breath of fresh air and re-analyzing what they’ve come to believe. They just double down and go all in on that amazing book of wisdom named Bible. That’s why MasterMasons Bible is the joke played on Sola Scriptura followers. Those Masters of deceit know what’s in there and laugh at the never ending self Interpretation. It’s actually quite cunning & brilliant way to lead yourself to damnation, where you’ll serve those laughing at you from the bottom of the pyramid of hell.
You’ve absolutely right. Sometimes the right way to analyze things are the most popular. Yet so many talk about The Red Pill, but when presented they don’t swallow it and see for themselves. What I don’t understand is why a lot of followers here; are informed, believe, and know who runs the media, who runs hollywood, the music industry, for names sake The Federal Reserve...., yet like sheep to the slaughter they’ll double down and go all in on that amazing book named Bible!!